
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Christmas tree Yihan, Isla H and Aeryn

 Hey everyone

Today we were making the Geometrees on for the Summer learning Journey. 

Then we started making Christmas trees with the triangle shapes. 

Here's my tree

Thursday, December 9, 2021

SLJ Activiy 1

Hello everyone

In this Cybersmart session we were using the art coloring book. We did this with a buddy from Kereru. 

The fact is this is a picture by Vincent van Gogh in 1890. 

We just updated it into this.

 By Aeryn and josiah


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Choose Your own Adventure writing

Good Morning/Afternoon everyone

For this week Ruru have writing Choose Your own Adventure stories. How we did this was. We Made a plan with a buddy. Once that was done. We went on an slideshow and started writing the story. 

It went like this:

bit here

                                                bit here                                                 bit here 

And so on to get to 8 possible endings. For this you read the second slide. After you done that you pick your chosen choice and do that 3 times to get to the ending.

Here it is enjoy the story. 

It's called The big Tsunami of earth 

So look on my friends blogs and comment on theirs. 
Monica's Choose Your Adventure And go on Charlotte's blog

Friday, November 26, 2021

Tahlia witting

 Kira Ora 

Today we had buddies from Kōtuku. They read us there writing and now we type it up.


Today my writing group watched a story called Dogger. Dave had a sister called called Bella and Dave had a stuffed animal called Dogger. There was a school fan and Dogger got lost an little girl bought Dogger. Dave went to find Bella an told what happened. So Bella ran over to toy fan but then a little girl bought Dogger. Dave began to cry but Bella said would you like to trade so Dave can have Dogger back? and you can have my big teddy yes and Dave stopped crying and Dave hugged Dogger. I love this Story.

By: Tahlia

The tiger who came to tea

Today we watched the tiger who came to tea. First the tiger knocked on the door and then they went to kitchen and the tiger had some tea. Last he looked in the pantry and the fridge and he drank all the milk and the water and sophie couldn't.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Camp movie

Good morning /Good afternoon

We were at camp weeks ago. And now we have made these camp movies. We used Wevideo. I learnt lots of skills on this. I liked using this because. I never used it before. And I learnt new skills. What was the most interesting? Learning new skills like background music, voice overs, sound effects. What could I better next time. Add more videos

Here is my camp video 

What would you rate my movie? Tell me in the comments.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Camp recount

 Good morning/Good afternoon bloggers

Today and yesterday I have been writing my camp recount. In this it's about camp and what we did. 

Hope you enjoyed this Bye 


On the 27 - 29th of October. My class Ruru went to camp (Living springs). In the morning we had to go on the buses to camp. The ride was about an hour long. Once we got to a place where the guides met us to walk in. We walked on flat ground for a while. Until we got closer to camp. After that, we stopped to have lunch at the living springs farm. When we walked more but some of the ground was not flat. We were walking on a hill. People were moaning that it was hard to walk up. Also there was sheep poo. Once we finished the walk we were at living springs. Me and Monica were prod we finished the walk. That Monica lay on her back. We are both puffed to.Afterwards we all had some time in bunk rooms. In my bunk room I had Me, Charlotte, Monica, Amelia and Shakima. We met in the auditorium for on to orienting. For that we had to look around for letters. Those letters were numbers. The letters were to make a sentence. When that was done we went on to do recreational activities. They were monorail, zip line, trampolines, rope and mini golf. I tried rope and trampolines with my friends. After that we went inside to have a camp money action. For the action the first thing was a crunchie and it sold for 1000 camp dollars. It was time for dinner and we had rice, curry, naan and beans. Then we went swimming at the pool. It was loud. The noises were talking, splashing water, water. Then we got out of the pool to get ready for the camp concert. My friend Monica, her act was her rhythmic  gymnastics routine. Me and Charlotte's act was knock, knock jokes. There were really great acts of talent. After the camp concert we got our Duffy books. Then it was time to go back into your bunk rooms and read your book.

Day 2

All of sudden it was the next day. The next day was super fun and busy. We had breakfast first before we went to activities with our tribes. The activities were at Don's shed. We walked there for about only 10 minutes. Are tribe person who was in charge of activities. Gave us a challenge to count the steps. There were 22 steps or 24 steps or 122 or 124 steps. I don’t remember the right one.  At Don’s shed the activities were Invites team building, Low ropes, Bouldering wall, Bush ecology. The order my tribe did it in was Invites team building, Low ropes, Bouldering wall and Bush ecology. The Invites team building was when 1 tribe was split into 3 groups to solve challenges. My group did the wall for this you had to get everyone over. But the last person couldn’t get help. We got everyone over but the people who already got over the wall had to help from the other side. The challenge we went to was the stumps. In this there were stumps. On the first we had to get everyone on them and off without touching the bottom.  The second time you had to do this with an buddies over. But not touching the bottom. The third time was when you had to do this with everyone in your group over. But not touching the bottom. The next challenge we went to was the toxic River. For this one we had to grab the rope from the middle of the river. After you got the rope you had to get everyone over the contrite without touching the bottom.We only got four people over we needed to go to the next activity. We had morning tea and lunch there. Lunch was nachos and morning tea was brownie and some fruit. It was similar to morning tea for afternoon tea. It was a fruit and lolly cake. So yummy. We walked back to living springs. At 5:30 it was dinner and we had burgers and some chips. At 6:30 we had another action. But at the start it was for people who haven’t bought anything at the auction. Then the rest of the action was normal type. At 8:00pm we had a camp movie. It was Sonic, the hedgehog. We watched the movie on our pj's with our pillows and blankets. 

Day 3 

All of sudden it was the next day. The next day was our last day. I was sad it was the last day. But I could see my family when I got home. First in the morning we had breakfast. The first activity was the recreational games. They were monorail, zip line, trampolines, rope, sports gear and mini golf. Me and my friends went on the rope and trampolines. While the adults were cleaning. After that fun we went to the auditorium. For Joseph to explain how the animal survival game works. There are small carnivores and herbivores also there are large carnivores and herbivores. And towards the end of the game bush fire, flood, disease and hunter. The carnivores tagged the herbivores. The large carnivores had 2 lives. The large herbivores had 4 lives. The small herbivores had 8 lives. Don’t remember how many lives the small carnivores had. The hunter has a wooden play gun. Once the hunter shot you you were dead. So then gave it your all lives. So we had to go to numbers. They were stations of food and water. The number had a tag thing with dots.  I got 5 before I died. Then after that we went to have pasta for lunch. It was pasta! Then me and my friends went outside for our last jump on trampolines. After we did that our suitcases were getting packed into the bus. Once we did that we traveled back to school. I saw Mum again yay and my brother. 

Camp was so fun I really enjoyed it. Picture of me on stumps

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Camp reading

 Good morning/Good afternoon Bloggers,

This week for reading we have been focusing on camp.

There is not a WALT this week

Our first task was to go through a map with our reading teacher. And Once your finished we did a map on our own.

Our second task was to make label for our bunk beds for camp.

Here is a picture of my label

Our third task was make a Piktochart. Then write them the facts from the native animals on the website.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Chinese language week

Kia Ora bloggers

This week for our reading. Our focus is on Chinese language week for all our tasks. We had 4 different tasks to do this week.

WALT: Use personal experience and literacy knowledge to make meaning from texts. 

Our first task was to to use the play we read and make it into an 5-piece comic strip.

Our second task was to write 4-5 sentences comparing a Chinese dragon. And a symbol from your culture.
I put a  Chinese Dragon and a Kiwi to compare.

Our third task was 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Rata and the Totara Tree

 Kia Ora bloggers

WALT: Analyse and evaluate the actions and story lines of Māori myths and legends.

Our first task was to write on the story map.

Our second task was to write if you agree with the statement or not. And explain three times in the boxes.

Our third task is use the glossary. Then write the Māori words and translate them into English. After we did that we would do an Animaker, Biteable, Renderforset. To create a digital glossary.


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Kupe and the giant wheke

 Hey bloggers

WALT: Analyse and evaluate the actions and story lines of Maori myths and legends.

This for reading our focus was about Maori myths and legends. Our first task was to on the piece of paper to follow the story map. 

Our second task was to write if you agree with the statement or not.
Our third task was to use the glossary. And put the Māori words from your book. From the glossary you create an animation of the glossary you did. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


Hey bloggers👏

All this term we have been working on poems. We all needed to complete 12 poems. The poems were Comparison poem, I wish poem, sound poem, Haiku poem, Tongue twister poem, Imagery poem, Mood poem😝, Acrostic poem, Countdown poem, Cinquain poem, Diamante and an Limerick poem. 

My favorite is Acrostic poem and Haiku. In each slide there is a poem, a picture and an background.😀

What is your favorite poem? When you look at my sideshow.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Lockdown: Hokey pokey disaster

Hokey pokey disaster

For week 7 learning for Ruru. We had an taskboard of different challenges.

Me, Nathaniel and Mum made Hokey pokey.It all started of fine. But it just started to burn towards the end. Read my post to find out more.

It was black and it was burnt. It also smelt really bad. We had to open all the doors for the smell to go out.

Here are is some pictures of Me and Nathaniel making it. Before it was black and burnt.

I learnt from this that not everything goes your way.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Lockdown work: Maths


For maths we have been learning column addition. 

The slide 2 and 3 are Standard Form Addition with no regrouping.

The slides 4 and 5 are Standard Form Addition with regrouping.

The slide 6 is Stand form addition of 3-digit numbers.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Lockdown loom band skill

The student council have set us activities/challenges to do. I chose the loom band one.

Watch my video on how i do it. You could learn how to do it.

House: Skyhawk

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Lockdown challenge

In Ruru hangouts our teachers set us challenges. That are super fun. 

I chose to do the challenge to do a plank. And see how long we can hold it. 

Here is My plank:

Isn't 49 seconds long? Answer in the comments below

Monday, August 30, 2021

Lockdown challenge

On Ruru hangouts our teachers set us challenges. That are super fun. 

I chose to do the challenge of to make a soft toy tower. Me and Nathaniel combined our soft toys together. 

Our Mum measured the tower. It is: 88cm tall. 

We have so much toys. Do you think is big? Answer the question in comments below.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Lockdown work: Writing


For my writing I have been writing poems on a slideshow.

I have done 

Weeks: 5 and 6

Wk 5- Haiku poem

Wk 5- Tongue twistier poems

Wk 5- Acrostic poems

Wk 6- Sound poem

Wk 6- Countdown poem

Have an look at my sideshow. To see what I have done. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Reading Olympics

This week i'm reading The Ancient chariots race again. We were reading Olympics books this week. 

WALT: Locate and summarize important information from a range of related texts.

Task one: Was in two different parts. Part one was to have a plan on the medal paper about your favorite Olympian . Part two was to write to 2-3 facts why you chose the Olympian. Did you know she stared racing when she was 10 to keep up with her brother.

Task two: Write 20 facts on the country. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

The Cindy limpics

This week i'm reading The Cindy limpics. We were reading Olympics books this week. 

WALT: Locate and summarise important information from a range of related texts.

Task one was in two parts. Part one was to have a plan on the medal paper about your favourite Olympian . Part two was to write to 2-3 facts about that Olympian.    

Chose 1 country participating in the Olympics this year. Write 20 facts about the country what events they will be Doing. 10 for the events and 10 for about the country.

The third task was chose a image and what country was it from. Write a plan and write a persuasive argument about what to do with a country and the leftover Olympic Arena/ Olympic village. (Not finished this task)

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Italy sideshow in this in it what to do at Italy, famous foods and markets in Italy.

Guests for dinner

WALT: Recognise how are texts constructed for different purposes, audiences and situations. 
This week we have been doing plays. To practice for the school production. You can chose lf you want to in in it. My play I chose was Guests for dinner. It had five people in it. The people who I am doing the play with are Me, Jade, Monica, Charlotte and Nahvarna. In the task you had to write what your play is about. You character. And a desgin costume too.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Alexander Graham Bell!


This week for reading I'm reading Alexander Graham Bell. The book was interesting and fun to read.WALT: Locate and summarise important information from a range of related texts. The first task was on filling the boxes with information from the texts. Also embed the goggle drawing and put on your blog post. 

The second create task was spilt into two bits. The first bit was about using the fact file to say facts about the book.  The the second bit was about create a DLO of your choice. 
This fact file is of: Alexander Graham Bell the person who invented telephones.
This is the DLO

The third task is writing a definition of what inspirational means on a poster. I chose keep on trying because Alexander Graham Bell keep on trying to make the telephone.

Reflection: Which task was difficult for me? What task did I enjoyed? What did I learn? (See answers to question in comments down below)

Monday, July 5, 2021

Private or Personal Information

Hi guys 

Today in Cyber smart we have looking at private or personal information to be safe online. Knowing the different between the two will help you be safe online.

I found this hard to drag the pictures to the boxes and the rest fun.

I rate this activity a 5/5 for the information a 4.5/5 for enjoyment.

Is there other things you think could be kept private?

Friday, July 2, 2021

Batman story

Batman woke up in the morning and said to Owlfred ‘’can I have some coffee.’’ Owlfred said ‘’ There's nothing left you need to go to the shop.’’ So Batman drove there in his Batman outfit and his batmobile to the shops. When he got there he pressed the button that made his car not be seen. He walked into the Bagels Donuts Soup shop. He ordered his coffee and hot bagel to eat. He waited for it to be made. Finally his order came to him. Batman went outside to eat his hot bagel and have his coffee. The shop people thought that early in the morning why would batman be in the shop? Batman's bagel was brown and crispy and cheese also smelled like bacon. His coffee was cappuccino. Batman said to himself Yummy.

Inquiry earthquakes and tornadoes

Kia ora

For inquiry we have been working on natural disasters. For the natural disasters we learnt about them first. Then we put are information onto a plan. Then we wrote are information reports on a google doc. We needed 2 information reports on are blog. 

First one: Earthquakes


An earthquake is when the ground shakes. The tectonic plates make earthquakes. They are like jigsaw

puzzle pieces. There are 20 jigsaw puzzle pieces that move around all the time but we can’t feel it most of

the time.

What are tectonic plates? They are a part of earth under the crust.

If the tectonic plates hit, bump or just slide by each other an earthquake is caused when the tectonic plates

slip by the surface this is called the fault or a fault plane.

There are three different types of earthquakes. The first one is called convergent boundary when one plate

is forced over another. That makes new mountains. The second one is called a divergent boundary when

the plates are drifted apart from each other. It makes new rivers and oceans. The third and last one is

called transform fault and it slips too.

During an earthquake liquefaction is created. It's created by the soil being loosed up during an earthquake

when the tectonic plates move it creates a space between them and then water comes up. When the water

meets the solid dirt turns into mud. In Canterbury we have more liquefaction than would have been

expected because of a combination of factors. 1. Canterbury is built predominantly on sand.2. We are

surrounded by rivers and oceans. 3. Our water table is really high and we have a high annual rainfall.

More liquefaction than would have been expected because of a combination of factors.

What is a seismograph and what does it do? A seismograph tells you how strong the earthquakes are .

Scientists use a seismograph to measure how big the earthquake was and to see if it was strong or not

strong or really tiny. The bigger the number, the more destruction the earthquake causes. A magnitude 4.o

earthquake could shake you home but some people might even notice. A magnitude 9.o and up earthquake

flattens whole cities and causes large amounts of damage.

In conclusion, an earthquake is when the tectonic plates move against each other which causes the ground

to shake and roll. We learned there are three different types of earthquakes. Scientists use a seismograph

to measure how big the earthquake is. Sometimes when big earthquakes happen liquefaction is caused.

Earthquakes are natural disasters that can be very destructive. Also earthquakes are very interesting.

Second one: Tornadoes (Not done)


Did you know what are tornadoes? Learn more out out in this report.

How are tornadoes are formed? They are formed by a big thunderstorm and cold and warm air

pushing against each other that forms a tornado.

What are the characteristics of a tornado? 

Volcanoes inquiry


In inquiry we have been learning about natural disasters. For our natural disasters we did 3 of natural disasters then we chose our own disaster out of 6 other ones. We did a plan I chose between a hamburger and a general plan. Then we wrote information report on a google doc about volcanoes. Then we did a presentation of the information report you did.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Anne frank!


This week for reading I'm reading Anne frank. WALT: Locate and summarise important information from a range of related texts. The first task was on filling the boxes with information from the texts. And embed the goggle drawing and put on your blog post. 

The second create task was about using the fact file to say facts about the book. And create a DLO of your choice.


Write a definition of what inspirational means on a poster.

I enjoyed the poster because it was fun and intersecting. I find the difficult was the first task was hard because it was hard to write the words. I learnt lots of facts about Anne Frank. 

What is a compound sentence?


Today we have been witting compound sentences. The compound have noun, verb and fanboys. We shared it with a buddy the buddy had to add a fanboys, noun and a verb. They also had to high light the fanboys, verbs and nouns.

The sun is shining.

but it is still cold.

Aeryn likes reading.

and writing as well.

Sometimes there are 4 seasons in one day

but other seasons are too hot nor too cold all day long.

I love rain.

but sunshine too.

I like blue ice cream.

and pink ice cream too.

I love hail.

but snow is better.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Create tasks week 8 Matariki

Hi everyone

This week our reading is based on Matariki. WALT: Summarise and analyse ideas and information from different texts. Our first task was on that we had to summarise the videos and the other texts. Here is my summarise. 

Video #1:

It all began with Uprurangi and Tup-a- nuku. Matakiri has seven sisters that are stars. They had a responsibility to be the sign of the new year. It’s bad luck to not see the stars but good luck lf you see them.

Video #2:

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and gazed at the stars? You could have seen a group of seven

stars called Matariki. It's also the name of the Mori new year. You can see them most of the year but they

disappear in the late April of Aoteroa They appear again in late winter. It's the beginning of the Maori

new year and there is lots to celebrate. In some stories matariki is the elder star and guides her sisters to 

their places in the sky. 

Te Papa Website: 

There are about 500 stars in the Matariki cluster, but only six or seven are visible without a telescope.

Matariki has different names around the world.The brighter and clearer the stars seemed, the warmer the

growing season would be, ensuring a good harvest. The mother is Matariki, and her daughters are

Tupu-ā-nuku, Tupu-ā-rangi, Waipunarangi, Waitī, Waitā, and Ururangi.

Celebrating Puanga at Ramanui:

In many parts of Aotearoa, people celebrate the Māori New Year when Matari(a group of stars also known as the Pleiades) appears.The celebration for Māori New Year is often called

“Puanga Kai Rau”. Kai rau means “lots of food”.

After we had done that we had to chose between 4 tasks too pick two. I picked the word find

For the word find you need to find the words and make a glossary of what the words mean.

Here it is:

Food/Kai means to eat something you eat.

June/Pipiri means the a month in the year.

Land means any part of the earth's surface not covered by a body of water; the part of the earth's surface occupied by continents and islands.

Past means gone by just before the present time; just passed: during the past year.

Storehouse means a building in which things are stored.

Harvest means  the season when ripened crops are gathered. 

Future means something that will exist or happen in time to come.

Family/Whanau means people who do things together and have parties also other things.

Stars/Whetu means something you see on the sky at night when you see the white thing they are stars.

Lunar means of or relating to the moon: the lunar orbit. measured by the  moon's revolutions.

Event means you plan something.

Present means present brought in large quantities. 

Spirit means haunting you or floating around.

Celebration means to celebrate your birthday with a party and presents. 

Constellation a group of stars.

Calendar means a place that has all the days of the air.

Maori new year means a new year for the maori culture.

Waira means spirit, soul - spirit of a person which exists beyond death.

Waiti means a star in the sky.

Pataka means storehouse raised upon posts, pantry, larder.

Reflection means to reflect on something 

Korero means to talk and speak.

Pleiades means the widespread calm of Pleiades - the name of the coat of arms of the Kīngitanga which was designed by two Tainui tohunga, Tīwai Parāone of the Hauraki tribes and Te Aokatoa of the Waikato and Raukawa tribes.

Maramataka means Māori lunar calendar, calendar - a planting and fishing monthly almanac.

Matakiri a name of a maori legend of stars.


This week the tricky thing was the word find and liked the glossary the best. I don't get to my 3 task  because the word find was easy at the start but then super hard at the end.